( Latin: Lasioderma serricorne)
This is also related to the furniture beetles and it is very similar to the biscuit beetle, from which it can be distinguished by its serrated antennae.
It is primarily a tropical and subtropical beetle which requires plenty of warmth. Reproduction ceases below 21° C. and all movement ceases at temperatures below 18° C.
The beetles are often carried with goods to temperate regions, where they can survive in heated buildings.
The larvae, which can tolerate nicotine, live both in raw tobacco and in finished tobacco products, and are a very serious and costly pest of the tobacco industry.
They also have a very varied diet, for they are found in many other products, such as rice, dried fish, spices and dates.
As in the case of the preceding species the newly hatched larvae are extremely active and can live for a week without food. The adult beetles fly extremely well.