( Latin: Siphonaptera )
Fleas (Siphonaptera) constitute an order of insects. Their biology is similar to that of flies. Some researchers believe that fleas were once a kind of flies, who lost their wings and adapted to a life as bloodsuckers on birds and mammals.
Fleas are usually the most obvious possibility when insects bite people. In Denmark, there are about 45 different flea species. Each species is more or less dependent on a few specific hosts, in which they live and whose blood they suck. The environment of the host animals’ home or nest is important to the flea larvae development. The adult fleas can suck the blood of other animals than their actual host, and certain animal biting fleas occasionally attack humans. Fleas lay eggs. Small flea larvae emerge from the eggs.
The last of the larval stages spins a cocoon and the adult flea is developed inside the cocoon.